Where To Donate Board Games?

Donating board games is a charitable act that involves giving away board games you no longer need or want to individuals or organizations in need. Whether you have old board games collecting dust in your closet or want to make a positive impact on your community, donating board games can be a rewarding way to share the joy of gaming with others.

“Where To Donate Board Games?” This question often lingers in the minds of those who wish to contribute to a good cause or simply clear some space at home. The answer to this question can lead you to various opportunities to support schools, charities, hospitals, and other groups that would greatly appreciate your board game donations.

The donation of board games is a meaningful way to make a difference in the lives of others. These games can be a source of entertainment and social interaction for children and adults alike. When you donate board games, you not only declutter your space but also provide opportunities for education, recreation, and bonding within your community. 

Donate Board Games?

Donating board games is a noble act that can bring joy and entertainment to those in need while decluttering your space. Whether you’re looking to help local families, support charitable organizations, or simply find a new home for your old board games, there are numerous avenues to explore.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into various options for donating board games, ranging from local families to institutions like hospitals and retirement homes. We’ll also provide tips on how to make the most of your donations, discuss the potential for tax deductions, and explore other creative options.

Local Families

Local Families

Direct Giving to Neighbors

One of the simplest and most direct ways to donate board games is to share them with your neighbors. Board games can create opportunities for socializing and family bonding. If you have board games that you no longer use or want to introduce your neighbors to the world of gaming, a friendly gesture can go a long way.

Community Bulletin Boards

Community bulletin boards are often found in local supermarkets, libraries, or community centers. They serve as a central hub for announcements and events within the neighborhood. Posting a notice about your board game donation can quickly connect you with families interested in receiving them. Be sure to include contact information so interested parties can reach out.

Social Media Groups

In today’s digital age, many local communities have social media groups dedicated to various interests and needs. These groups can be a goldmine for finding families who would appreciate your board game donations. You can join these groups and post about your donation offer. Make sure to specify the types of games you’re giving away and any conditions, such as pick-up locations or delivery options.

Example of Board Game Donation Notice

Game NameConditionContact Information
MonopolyLike New[Your Email/Phone Number]
ScrabbleExcellent[Your Email/Phone Number]
CandylandGood[Your Email/Phone Number]

This table can serve as a template for creating a donation notice on social media or community bulletin boards, making it easy for potential recipients to know what’s available and how to contact you.

By using these techniques and leveraging the power of your local community, you can ensure that your board games find new homes with local families who will appreciate and enjoy them. Whether you prefer direct giving to neighbors, the visibility of community bulletin boards, or the convenience of social media groups, there’s a method that will suit your preferences and availability.

Homeless Shelters and Orphanages

Board game donations can be a source of joy for those in need. Learn how you can share the gift of gaming with homeless shelters, orphanages, and foster care agencies.

Donating to Shelters

Homeless shelters often provide temporary housing and support to individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness. While the primary focus is on shelter and food, entertainment and recreational activities can greatly improve the spirits of those in such situations.

Many shelters welcome board game donations to create a sense of normalcy and joy for their residents. Contact your local homeless shelter to inquire about their policies and the types of games they can accept.

Children’s Homes

Children’s homes and orphanages are home to youngsters who, for various reasons, do not have a permanent family to care for them. These children can benefit from board games in many ways, including improving social skills and having fun.

Donating board games to children’s homes is a wonderful way to brighten their days. Reach out to local children’s homes to discuss your donation and any specific preferences they may have.

Foster Care Agencies

Foster care agencies work to provide temporary homes and care for children who cannot live with their birth families. These agencies often organize support and recreational activities for the children under their care.

Donating board games to foster care agencies can contribute to the well-being of these children. Get in touch with local foster care agencies to inquire about their needs and how you can make a positive impact.

Donating board games to homeless shelters, children’s homes, and foster care agencies can bring happiness and a sense of normalcy to individuals who are facing challenging circumstances.

Your contribution can help create memorable moments and facilitate social interaction. Each of these institutions has unique needs and preferences, so it’s a good idea to reach out and discuss your donation plans with them directly.

Therapy Centers and Hospitals

Board games can have therapeutic benefits. Explore how therapy centers and hospitals can benefit from your board game donations.

Pediatric Wards

Pediatric wards in hospitals are dedicated to the medical care of children. Being in a hospital can be stressful for young patients, and board games can offer a welcome distraction and a way to alleviate anxiety.

Donating board games to pediatric wards can help young patients feel more comfortable during their stay. Contact the hospital’s volunteer services department or child life specialists to learn about their donation procedures and preferences.

Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation centers are places where individuals recover from injuries, surgeries, or medical conditions. Board games can play a valuable role in therapy and recovery by improving cognitive skills, coordination, and social interaction.

Reach out to rehabilitation centers to see if they are open to board game donations and if they have any specific game preferences that align with their therapy programs.

Counseling Centers

Counseling centers and mental health facilities often use board games as therapeutic tools. Games can help individuals express themselves, build trust, and develop coping skills. Donating board games to these centers can support their therapeutic efforts.

Contact the center’s administration to inquire about their specific needs and any restrictions on game donations, including some of the oldest board games. The donation of board games to therapy centers and hospitals can have a positive impact on the well-being of patients, both young and old.

These institutions often appreciate the value of board games in their therapy and recreational programs. By reaching out and coordinating with them, you can ensure that your donation aligns with their goals and provides meaningful benefits to those in their care.


Can I donate used board games, or do they have to be new?

You can absolutely donate used board games. Many organizations and individuals welcome gently used board games as long as they are in playable condition.

Are there specific board game preferences for different donation locations?

Yes, different organizations may have varying preferences for board games. It’s a good idea to contact them directly to inquire about their specific needs and preferences.

Can I get a tax deduction for donating board games?

Yes, in many cases, board game donations to eligible charitable organizations can qualify for a tax deduction. Be sure to keep documentation of your donation for tax purposes.

Can I donate board games with missing or damaged parts?

While it’s best to donate complete board games, some organizations may accept games with missing or damaged parts. It’s a good practice to clearly communicate the game’s condition when donating.

Is there a limit to how many board games I can donate?

There is typically no set limit on the number of board games you can donate. It’s a good idea to check with the receiving organization to ensure they can accommodate your donation.


In the world of board games, sharing is caring. By exploring the various avenues we’ve discussed, you can brighten the lives of others while making space for new memories. Whether you choose to connect with local families, support charitable organizations, or explore alternative options, the act of donating board games is a gesture of generosity that ripples through your community.

The joy of a board game can be timeless. It brings people together, encourages laughter, and creates cherished moments. So, as you consider where to donate board games, think about the smiles you can bring to faces young and old. It’s a simple yet powerful way to spread the love of gaming and leave a lasting legacy of fun.

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